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Eduardo Almeida Acosta obtained in 1976 a Ph. D. in Social Psychology and Personality at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. He is a researcher on Community Psychology at the Health Sciences Department of Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He is a member of Proyecto de Animación y Desarrollo, A. C. a NGO in San Miguel Tzinacapan, Cuetzalan, Puebla. In 1989 he founded the Northern Mountains of Puebla the Comisión Takachiualis of Human Rights. He has been professor of Community Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, at the Autonomous University of Puebla and at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He received in 2005 the National Research Award on Psychology and also in 2005 the Humanitarian International Award granted by the American Psychological Association. He was the organizer of the Third International Conference on Community Psychology in June 2010.

Guillermo Hinojosa Rivero obtained a BS in Psychology at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. His master’s degree is in Education from the University of Washington (Oregon). He has published 5 books in collaboration with other colleagues. He also has produced more than 20 articles on educational topics and on Psychology applied to special education matters. From 1984 to 1990 he was a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI). At Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla he teaches courses on Statistics and Methodology. He was Director of Research and Graduate Studies. From 2005 to 2009 he was the Director of the Department of Human Development Sciences. He is presently professor at the Continuing Education Office. He is in charge of the university program for Elder People and of the Community Leaders Training Program. He has developed courses on computer assistance for rehabilitation of children with learning problems. He also designed electronic equipment for persons with brain palsy for using the computer even with limited and uncontrolled movements.

Oscar Soto Badillo was first trained as a medical doctor. He obtained a Master´s degree on Rural Development at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (Mexico), and he is a doctoral candidate on “City, Territory and Patrimony” at Universidad de Valladolid in Spain. From 1982 to 1996 he was a collaborator working with indigenous communities and Guatemalan refugees in the South East of Mexico. He has worked also with displaced people by the internal armed conflict in Northern Guatemala. Between 1992 and 1995 he coordinated the refugees return to new communities in the Guatemala” Departments of Peten and Alta Verapaz. Since 1996 he is a professor at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He has been Director of the Reflection and Social Promotion Center (2001-2005) coordinating the University Social Service. Presently he is professor researcher at the Humanities Department. He is also in charge of the Alain Touraine Chair. He has published diverse articles in national and international journals and as book chapters. He wrote the book “Anda y haz tú lo mismo” [Go and do yourself the same]. He was the coordinator of the book “Derechos Humanos y Globalización Alternativa. Una perspectiva Latinoamericana” [Human Rights and Alternative Globalization. A Latin American Perspective].

Gonzalo Inguanzo Arteaga is presently Director of the Department of Health Sciences at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He received a B.A. in Psychology at the University of Havana, Cuba; and a M.A. in Psychology at Universidad del Desarrollo del Estado de Puebla. He obtained his Ph. D. in Education at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He has carried out teaching activities since 1996 in different universities of Cuba and Mexico. He was a researcher at the National Center of Sciences of Cuba from 1996 to 2000. In 2000 he received the National Award from the Academy of Sciences of Cuba for a study on Children’s Language Development Assessment. He has published articles in Mexico, Cuba and Spain, particularly on topics related to children learning, validation of psychological instruments, neurologic development, and political culture of college students.

María Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera is professor-researcher at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. She obtained the Doctorate in Sociology at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He was Visiting Professor at Cornell University. She is a member of the National System of Researchers, Level II. In 1973 she initiated a process of social transformation in an indigenous community in the Northern Mountains of the State of Puebla, where she lived and worked for 15 years. She organized the Alain Touraine Chair at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla in 2003. She has published several books and written articles in national and international journals. Among her publications are: “Interioridad y crisis del future humano” [Interiority and human future crisis], “Conocimiento y acción en Tzinacapan” [Knowledge and action at Tzinacapan] in Spanish and in French (2004, 2007), “ Las Universidades de América Latina en la construcción de una globalización alternativa” [Latin American Universities in building an alternative globalization], “La veredas de la incertidumbre. Relaciones iterculturales y supervivencia digna” (2005) [The Paths of Uncertainty. Intercultural relations and dignified survival], “Identidades, globalizacion e inequidad” (2008) [Identities, globalization and inequity]. In 2006 she was awarded “La condecoration des Palmes Académiques” a recognition of her work by the French Government.

María Covadonga Cuétara Priede studied Psychology at the Autonomous University of Puebla. She obtained a Master’s degree on Family Orientation and a Ph. D. in Education at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. Her professional work has been carried out in the area of human development for more than 30 years. She has done research on specific educational problems. She belongs to different Consulting Councils and Academic Committees. She has been research professor at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla for the last 15 years and has worked in administrative endeavors. She has developed projects on curriculum design and on researchers training. She has organized on line courses, programs for continuing education, and teacher and research training. She has carried out training programs for in-service teachers. Her main academic interest are on gender, families and life projects. Presently she is in charge of Psychology Graduate Studies and of the training of clinical psychologists.

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Keywords: third iccp, community psychology, gjcpp