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Concluding Materials



Adrian Fisher is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at Victoria University (Australia). His main teaching is in the graduate programs in Community Psychology and in supervising student research. His major research focus is in the psychological sense of community, how it can be used as an including or excluding factor, and concerns about its research methodology. Adrian was born in Perth, Western Australia and after a variety of work and travel adventures studied Psychology at the Western Australian Institute of Technology (now Curtin University). It was there that he was introduced to Community Psychology. From Curtin, he moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, eventually completing his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees. In 1989 he moved to Melbourne to establish a CP program. This is the foundation of the program that operates successfully at Victoria University.

Vincent T. Francisco received his M. A. at the University of Kansas in Human Development, and his Ph.D. at the University of Kansas in Child and Developmental Psychology. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Public Health Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Francisco is primarily interested in research in community development, especially for the enhancement of community integration and support, and work toward empowerment of marginalized groups. He has considerable experience in the research and evaluation of community-based intervention programs focusing on adolescent development, reduction of risk for HIV/AIDS, teen substance abuse, assaultive violence, teen parenthood, and chronic/cardiovascular diseases. He also has considerable experience in provision of technical support for the development of coalitions. In his current position, Dr. Francisco works with members of ethnic minority communities and the general population to prevent a variety of problems in living. Dr. Francisco has experience in applied (participatory) community research, and in providing technical assistance and support for universal and targeted initiatives with communities including native Hawaiian and Asian American communities, Native American reservations such as with the Jicarilla Apache Tribe, African American communities such as Mid-South Chicago (Bronzeville), as well as immigrant communities in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Dr. Francisco has worked with foundations, Federal and State governmental agencies, and local community groups to affect health problems and economic disparities in the general population through the development of community prevention initiatives. These initiatives include such diverse areas as primary prevention for juvenile justice, youth and community development, and support for Healthy Cities initiatives.

Guillermo Hinojosa Rivero obtained a BS in Psychology at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. His master’s degree is in Education from the University of Washington (Oregon). He has published 5 books in collaboration with other colleagues. He also has produced more than 20 articles on educational topics and on Psychology applied to special education matters. From 1984 to 1990 he was a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI). At Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla he teaches courses on Statistics and Methodology. He was Director of Research and Graduate Studies. From 2005 to 2009 he was the Director of the Department of Human Development Sciences. He is presently professor at the Continuing Education Office. He is in charge of the university program for Elder People and of the Community Leaders Training Program. He has developed courses on computer assistance for rehabilitation of children with learning problems. He also designed electronic equipment for persons with brain palsy for using the computer even with limited and uncontrolled movements.

Carolyn Kagan is Professor of Community Social Psychology and a registered Counselling Psychologist and qualified social worker. She is Director of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, where the first action learning UK Masters programme is Community Psychology is based. She works on critical action research projects in community settings (participatively where possible), both in the UK and overseas. Her work is in pursuit of greater social justice with those marginalised by the social system, including people living poverty and disabled people.  Her work is value based, drawing on feminist and radical academic critiques and integrating ideas from environmental science, sociology, anthropology and critical systems thinking as well as from psychology. She has worked with disabled people for over 30 years. She has developed innovative community based projects which have pre-figured future practice and her work has contributed to UK and international service and policy development. Most recently she has been involved in work on forced labour (modern slavery) with a view to gaining information that might influence international social policy and lead to more humane lives for migrant workers and expose the detrimental impact of globalisation in the face of neoliberal economic policies. She has supervised 24 doctoral students working within these areas of interest. She has published widely in community psychology and disability, is a member of several academic journal editorial boards and was a founding editor of the International Journal Community, Work and Family which she co-edited for 12 years. Her most recent work, written with colleagues at Manchester Metropolitan University is Critical Community Psychology.

Francine Lavoie, Ph.D. is professor in community psychology at Université Laval, Québec, Canada. She received the first Ph. D. granted by the Université du Québec. She is the pioneer of Community Psychology at Québec. She joined the faculty of the Ecole de Psychologie in 1979. In 1992-1994 she received the prestigious grant of excellence of the Québec Council for Social Research (CQRS). Since 1996 she is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and of section 27, the Society for Community Research and Action. Over the years, she has received grants on marital violence, dating violence, and mutual aid groups. She has developed and evaluated two prevention programs on dating violence (ViRAj and PASSAJ) for high schools students and has conducted the first research on dating violence in Québec. She also documented sexual and physical violence in the Inuit population of Nunavik. Her more recent work is on sexualized social activities and sexting in adolescence which could represent new settings for sexual coertion.

José Ornelas is professor at Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada in Lisbon, since 1987. He has been Director of college level studies on Community Development and Mental Health since 1998. Since 2004 he is Director of the Master and Ph. D. Programs in Community Psychology. He received a Ph. D. in Psychology at Boston University in 1984. A part of his doctoral program was carried out at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. In 1999 he obtained another Ph. D. at the University of Porto, in Portugal. From 1984 to 1987 he was a professor at Universidade dos Açores. In 1987 he founded AEIPS - The Psychosocial Studies and Integration Association, with a Program for community integration of persons with mental disorders. In 1998 he also founded Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicología Comunitaria. He was the first President of the European Community Psychology Association between 2005 and 2007. He belongs to SCRA, the Society for Community Research and Action, the 27th division of the American Psychological Association. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Primary Prevention, of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, and of Análise Psicológica. In 2006 he created the National Protuguese Commision for the Restructuring of Mental Health Services. In June 2008 he was the organizer of the 2nd. International Conference of Community Psychology in Lisbon.

Euclides Sánchez has developed a remarkable trajectory as social psychologist for more than thirty years. He is an expert on research and solutions of diverse social problems using qualitative and action research methodologies. His areas of interest are public policies, environmental and social problems solutions, community agents training, community organization, research on social problems, projects design and evaluation. He has been professor at several Venezuelan Universities and visiting professor at academic institutions in Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Chile, France and Spain. He received his B. A. in Psychology at Universidad Central de Venezuela, his Masters degree in Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, and his Ph. D. in Psychology at Universidad Central de Venezuela. In 2003 he received the Psychology Interamerican Award, and in 2007 the Environmental Psychology Interamerican Award.

María Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera is professor-researcher at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. She obtained the Doctorate in Sociology at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He was Visiting Professor at Cornell University. She is a member of the National System of Researchers, Level II. In 1973 she initiated a process of social transformation in an indigenous community in the Northern Mountains of the State of Puebla, where she lived and worked for 15 years. She organized the Alain Touraine Chair at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla in 2003. She has published several books and written articles in national and international journals. Among her publications are: “Interioridad y crisis del future humano” [Interiority and human future crisis], “Conocimiento y acción en Tzinacapan” [Knowledge and action at Tzinacapan] in Spanish and in French (2004, 2007), “ Las Universidades de América Latina en la construcción de una globalización alternativa” [Latin American Universities in building an alternative globalization], “La veredas de la incertidumbre. Relaciones iterculturales y supervivencia digna” (2005) [The Paths of Uncertainty. Intercultural relations and dignified survival], “Identidades, globalizacion e inequidad” (2008) [Identities, globalization and inequity]. In 2006 she was awarded “La condecoration des Palmes Académiques” a recognition of her work by the French Government.

Alipio Sánchez Vidal received a Master of Arts in Psychology from the University of Minnesota and a Ph. D. at Universidad de Barcelona. He teaches there Community Psychology and Ethics. He is the author of some 50 publications, three books on Community Psychology, one on Social Intervention Ethics, one on Applied Social Psychology. He is the co-author of four other books. He is a member of the European Association of Community Psychology. His areas of interest are community intervention, the sense of community, social ethics and modern technology. In 2007 he published the book “Manual de Psicología Comunitaria. Un enfoque integrado“.  He has delivered more than 75 courses at Spanish, European and South American Universities, professional associations, community organizations and government. He coordinated the Master on Community Psychology at Universidad de Barcelona. He organized the IV European Congress of Community Psychology. He is the organizer of the IV International Congress of Community Psychology that will take place in Barcelona in June 2012.

Irma Serrano-García is presently Professor at the Psychology Department and principal researcher at the “Centro Universitario de Servicios y Estudios Psicológicos” at Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. She was the editor of the Interamerican Journal of Psychology.  She received a post-doctoral degree on Public Policies at Harvard University. Her Ph. D. in Social Community Psychology was obtained at the University of Michigan. She has made more than 50 publications, including five books. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Interamerican Society of Psychology and the Psychological Association of Puerto Rico. Her areas of interest include social change and power relations, community development, participatory research, gender studies and HIV-AIDS prevention- She is a consultant  of community based organizations and of governmental agencies.

Tom Wolff, Ph.D. is a community psychologist committed to issues of social justice and to building healthy communities through collaborative solutions. A nationally recognized consultant on coalition building and community development, he has a lifetime of experience training and consulting with individuals, organizations, and communities across North America. His most recent book is The Power of Collaborative Solutions published in 2010 by Jossey Bass/John Wiley. His writings on coalition building include From the Ground Up: A Workbook on Coalition Building and Community Development (with Gillian Kaye, 1996) and The Spirit of the Coalition (with William Berkowitz, 2000). He has been a partner in the development of the Community Tool Box (, a website with 7000 pages of practical resources on community health and development. Between 1985 and 2002, Tom founded and directed Community Partners, a technical assistance and training program affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It provided guidance and support in coalition building and community development. Tom is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, which granted him its 1985 National Career Award for Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology and its 1993 Henry V. McNeil Award for Innovation in Community Mental Health. In 2000, he received the “For the People Against the Tide Award from Health Care for All”, for his “outstanding efforts to energize and educate local communities”.

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Keywords: third iccp, community psychology, gjcpp