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Maritza Montero Rivas received a B. A. in Psychology at Universidad Central de Venezuela (1967). Her M. A. in Psychology is from Universidad Simón  Bolívar (1979). She obtained her Doctorate in Sociology at the Université de Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1982). She is presently Professor Emeritus at Universidad Central de Venezuela. She was co-founder of the Master and Ph. D. programs at Universidad Central de Venezuela. She has been visiting professor at Oxford University, London University and Université de Paris VIII. She has been invited to give lectures at 14 Venezuelan universities and at university and research centers in Germany, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, USA, Ecuador, Scotland, Spain, France, Wales, England, Mexico, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay. Se has tutored 52 theses at B. A., M. A., and Ph. D. levels. She actively participates in 7 psychological international associations. She has been a member of numerous editorial committees in several countries of the world. She has received diverse national and international awards: Augusto de Venanzi (Venezuela, 1993); Interamerican of Psychology (Puerto Rico, 1995); National of Social Sciences (Venezuela, 2000); Peruvian Forum of Social Psychology Award (Peru, 2003); Honorary Professor of San Marcos University (Peru, 2003); PPI-4 maximum level for a researcher at the Venezuelian Sciences Ministry (2005). She has published numerous articles in national and international journals. She is the author, co-author and coordinator of 24 books. Some of her recent books are “Psychology of Liberation. Theory and Applications” (2009) co-edited with C. C. Sonn, and “Participación y Transformación: Historias de la Psicología Comunitaria en América Latina” (2011) co-edited with I. Serrano-García. Her main research areas are: Epistemology of Social Psychology, Community and Political Social Psychology and Discourse Analysis.

Maria de Fatima Quintal de Freitas received a B. A. in Psychology at the University of Sao Paulo (1978). Her Master’s degree in Social Psychology (1986), and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology are from the Catholic University of Sao Paulo (1994). In 2009 she obtained post-doctoral degrees in Community Psychology from the Instituto Superior de Psicología Aplicada (Lisboa) and from Porto University (Porto), both institutions from Portugal. She is presently professor at Universidade Federal do Paraná and Founder/Coordinator of the Community Psychology, Health and Education at Universidade Federal do Paraná. She is a researcher at the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology. She was President of the Brazilian National Association of Social Psychology. Her teaching and research in Community and Political Psychology working with excluded popular sectors and conducting Community Interventions and Public Policies Projects. She has been visiting professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain, Universidad Nacional del Mar de Plata in Argentina, Universidade Federal do Spirito Santo in Brazil, Center for Rural Development in Zautla, Mexico. She is the author of 22 scientific articles, 33 chapters in academic books, one book, and 8 presentations in Congress Proceedings.

Esther Wiesenfeld received a Bachelor of Arts at York University (Toronto, Canada, 1973) and a B. A. in Psychology at Universidad Central de Venezuela (1982). Her M. A. in Social Psychology (1985) and her Ph. D. in Psychology are also from Universidad Central de Venezuela. She has carried out important posts at that university: Coordinator of the M. A. in Social Psychology (1990-2002); Head of the Applied Research Department at the Institute of Psychology (1997-2002); Representative of the Psychology Area at the Graduate Studies Commission (2001-2005). She has published 5 books, and authored more than 100 articles in national and international books and journals. Se has participated in scientific meetings and congresses in France, USA and Argentina. She has been invited as lecturer at various universities: Toulouse, France; Belgrano and Rosario in Argentina; Sao Paulo and Brasilia in Brezil; Santo Tomás in Chile; San Carlos in Guatemala; Río Piedras and Ponce in Puerto Rico; San Sebastián and Autónoma de Barcelona, in Spain; ITESO, UNAM, CREFAL, UASLP and Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, in Mexico. She is an active participant in psychological and environmental associations. She has been a member of diverse editorial committees in England, Spain, Brazil and Venezuela. She has received several awards: PPI-4 from the Venezuelan Ministry of Sciences; three National Awards on research on Housing (1993, 1997, 1997); National Award of Social Sciences (Venezuela, 1998); Interamerican Award on Environmental Psychology (2007). Her main research areas are: Community, Environmental and Social Psychology; Housing; Public Policies; Sustainability. She is an expert on Research methodologies. She speaks English, Hebrew and Polish.

Wolfgang Stark received his degrees from the University of Würzburg (Diploma in psychology) and Technical University of Berlin (doctorate). He has worked as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry and at the University of Munich, as a grantee at various universities in the US, and as a senior scientist at Munich´s Self Help Resource Center, before he accepted the professorship on Organizational and Community Psychology at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. Wolfgang Stark is founder and director of the Organizational Development Laboratory ( based at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. He is specializing in community building and empowerment processes in organizations and society, and in organizational/societal learning and organizational culture by linking different disciplines and topics. His research focusses upon empowerment processes and quality management, corporate citizenship/corporate social responsibility, value-based management and organizational culture in profit- and non-profit-organizations. He is a founding member and was president of the European Community Psychology Association. He serves as a regular visiting professor at the “Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada” ( in Lisboa (Portugal) and on the Board of the Institute´s International Master Program in Community Psychology. In the years of 2001-2004 Wolfgang Stark served as the dean of the Department for Educational Sciences of the University of Duisburg-Essen. He currently is Head of the University´s Center for Social Responsibility and Service Learning ( His work received various awards – among others a “Jimmy and Rosallyn Carter-Campus Community Partnership Award 2007” and “Selected Landmark in the Land of Ideas 2008”.

Judith Sixsmith is professor of Adult Social Care at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and Professor of Public Policy, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Canada). She has been researcher at King’s College, London and at the Institute of Human Ageing, University of Liverpool. She has been very active as an international scholar and researcher. One project she has recently conducted is on ageing involving the UK, Sweden, Germany, Latvia and Hungary. Other international activities have been carried out in Belgium and Pakistan. Within the UK she has often taken a lead role in evaluating research projects, developing national strategy and being part of ethics committees. Judith Sixsmith received her B.Sc. in 1979 from Keele University, her M.Sc. in Environmental Psychology in 1984, and her Ph.D. in Psychology in 1992 from the University of Surrey. She has received several national and international awards. Seven Doctorates have been completed under her supervision, and four Masters. She has an extensive teaching experience since 1992. She is the author of 50 articles and book chapters, as well as 23 research reports.

Jim Orford received (with honors) a B.A. on Natural Sciences at Trinity Hall, Cambridge in 1964; a Diploma on Clinical Psychology (1965) and a Ph.D. in Psychology at The London Institute of Psychiatry. He has been lecturer at the London Institute of Psychiatry and at the University of Exeter. Since 1993, he has been Professor of Clinical and Community Psychology at the University of Birmingham. He is Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Community Psychology, and Head of the Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling and Addiction Research Group, at the University of Birmingham, UK. Alongside his main career interest in addictions, he has helped to pioneer community psychology in the UK and in Europe generally. He was coordinator of the European Network of Community Psychology when it transitioned to the European Community Psychology Association (ECPA). His main written works include Excessive Appetites: A Psychological View of Addictions (2nd ed. 2001) and two community psychology texts: Community Psychology: Theory and Practice (1992) and Community Psychology: Challenges, Controversies and Emerging Consensus (2008). His main interests currently are: The effects of government-industry consensus over the liberalization of gambling; and reconceptualizing addiction, families and communities in terms of power.  He is the author of 4 books and of numerous refereed journal articles. He has collaborated with “Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente” in Mexico City.

Guillermina Natera Rey received a B. A. in Psychology at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Her M. A. in Social Psychology was at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. She obtained a Master in Sciences focused on Education at DIE-CINVESTAV a research institution linked to the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. She studied Couples Psychotherapy at the Instituto Mexicano de Terapia de Pareja, A. C. She is working towards a Ph. D. in Anthropology at Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH). She is a member Level II of the National System of Researchers (SNI). Presently she is the Director of Epidemiological and Psychosocial Research at the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente (INPRF). She is researcher in Medical Sciences “F” in the Coordination of Health Institutes. She is Professor and Tutor at Master and Doctoral Programs in the Faculties of Medicine and Psychology at UNAM. She has received awards for her research work: One granted by the Health World Organization (2007) and other by the INPRF (2007). She has published more than 200 scientific articles. She has delivered more than 350 lectures at the national and international levels. She has published 3 books. She has been a representative of Mexico at international organizations. Her main interests are addictions, family, and intrafamilial violence

Tim Aubry received a B. A. in Psychology (with honors) at St. Francis Xavier University (1978); an M. A. in Psychology (1981) and a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Manitoba (1992). He has been Professor of Psychology at the University of Ottawa since 1992. He was visiting Professor at Université Lumière Lyon 2 in 1999. He was named Professor of the Year at the University of Ottawa in 2004. He is the Senior Editor of the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. He has edited one book, seven chapters in books, and 39 papers in refereed journals. He is a Full Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa.  An established researcher in the fields of community mental health and homelessness, he co-founded at University of Ottawa in 2000 the Centre for Research on Community and Educational Services (CRCES).  CRCES is a multidisciplinary research unit intended to conduct applied community-based research that contributes to effective health and social programs and policies for marginalized populations.  Dr. Aubry has consulted and collaborated closely on research projects with community organizations and government at all levels contributing to the development of effective social programs and policies.  Dr. Aubry is a member of REACH3, a pan-Canadian network of researchers from five Canadian cities, conducting research on housing, homelessness, and health.  He is also a member of the National Research Team and the Co-Lead of the Moncton site in the Mental Health and Homelessness Demonstration Project of the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Dr. Aubry teaches graduate courses at the University of Ottawa in community psychology and program evaluation. 

David Fryer is currently Professor of Community Critical Psychology at Charles Sturt University, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Psychology at Stirling University, Scotland. He was President of the European Community Psychology Association and Professor Extraordinarius of the University of South Africa. In 2009 David was Visiting Professor at the University of Puerto Rico. David is a former Editor of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology and the author of many scholarly and research publications on community critical psychology. His current research interests are: unemployment, violence and praxis.

Stella Sacipa Rodríguez received a B. A. in Psychology at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá. She obtained a Master’s Degree on Social Communication at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana also in Bogotá. She organized the “Social Links and Peace Cultures Research Group” at the same university to confront the challenges confronted by Colombia, a country immersed on political violence. Presently she is professor researcher at the Psychology Faculty of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. She teaches and do research using Community Psychology and Political Psychology as academic approaches in building Peace Cultures. She keeps in touch with religious organizations involved in confronting violence and with academic institutions interested in the study of peace and violence phenomena. She has extensively written articles and book chapters on psychology and peace.

Norman Duncan holds a professorship in Psychology at the University of the Witwatersrand, where he currently also serves as the Head of the School of Human and Community Development. He obtained his qualifications in Psychology from the University of the Western Cape and the Université Paul Valérie (Montpellier III, France). His research and publications are primarily in the fields of racism and community psychology. He has co-edited a range of volumes, including ‘Race’, Racism, Knowledge Production and Psychology in South Africa (Nova Science Publications, 2001) and Developmental Psychology (Juta/UCT Press, 2009). He currently serves as one of the lead researchers on the Apartheid Archives Research Project, a cross-disciplinary, cross-national study of the enduring effects of apartheid-era racism on people’s lives currently. Since 2000 he has published 36 refereed journal articles, edited 11 books. He has been editor of the Psychology Quarterly, the Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, and the South African Journal of Psychology.

Christopher Sonn received his B. A. at Chisholm Institute of Technology, now Monash University; a Diploma on Education at Victoria College, now Denkin University; a Diploma of Applied Psychology and a Ph.D. at Victoria University, Melbourne. He is a member of SCRA-APA, and International researcher at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. He is the author of two book, four monographs, and numerous refereed journal articles and books chapters. He teaches in both the undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Victoria University in areas of community and cultural psychology and qualitative research methods. His research is in the area of sense of community and intergroup relations and community cultural development. A major focus of his research is on understanding non dominant group responses to oppression and exclusion, including racism. Christopher has investigated the adaptation of different immigrant communities to Australia as well as the responses of Indigenous Australians to dominant group settings and stories. His focus is on understanding the multiple and often hidden resources and structures groups to help protect valued cultural identities, to resist oppression, and to make new communities. Christopher has conducted research with the Community Arts Network (Western Australia) exploring ways in which community arts and cultural planning can be utilized in community capacity building. He recently co-authored a report that focuses on the intersections between arts practice and community empowerment within the context of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous partnerships. Christopher’s work is published in international refereed journals and he recently coedited a book with Maritza Montero (Venezuela) on Psychology of Liberation.

Alicia Martínez Tena received a Bachelor of Arts at Universidad de Oriente in Santiago de Cuba. Her doctoral degree is from the University of Moscow. She is professor and Director at the Center for Community Development in the Social Sciences Faculty of Universidad de Oriente. She has tought courses on philosophy, sociology, artistic culture, cultural anthropology, sociocultural motivation, community studies. Since 1986 she carries out research on cultural urban and rural communities problems. She is author and co-author of books and articles on Cultural Studies of Communities. She is the coordinator of the doctoral program on Sociology of Culture. As an expert on Culture and Politics on Development she has been invited to give lectures at universities in Spain, France, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico and Cabo Verde. She has tutored numerous theses at the graduate level. She is the Vice-president of the Cuban Permanent Jurys granting doctoral degrees on Communication and Sociology. She has been a member of Graduate Jurys in Cuba and France. She was named Honorary Professor at the School of Social Work at Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, in Mexico.

Eduardo Almeida Acosta obtained in 1976 a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and Personality at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. He is a researcher on Community Psychology at the Health Sciences Department of Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He is a member of Proyecto de Animación y Desarrollo, A. C. a NGO in San Miguel Tzinacapan, Cuetzalan, Puebla. In 1989 he founded at the Northern Mountains of Puebla the Comisión Takachiualis of Human Rights. He has been professor of Community Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, at the Autonomous University of Puebla and at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla. He received in 2005 the National Research Award on Psychology and also in 2005 the Humanitarian International Award granted by the American Psychological Association. He was the organizer of the Third International Conference on Community Psychology in June 2010.

Sigmar Malvezzi received a B. A. in Psychology (1969), and a M. A. in Social Psychology at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo. He obtained a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior at the University of Lancaster in England. He received a post-doctoral degree on Teaching at the University of Sao Paulo. He worked for a long time as researcher and professor at Fundation Getulio Vargas in Sao Paulo. Presently he is in charge as Director of Graduate Studies in Psychology at the University of Sao Paulo. He is visiting professor at ICESI University in Cali, Colombia; at Universidad de Belgrano and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Argentina. He works as a Consultant of diverse enterprises in Brazil and in different parts of the world. Recently he has collaborated as adviser with BRIC, the conglomerate of emergent rich nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China). His expertise as psychologist is centered on Organizational and Work Psychology. His main academic and professional interests are organization, work, human resources, globalization and management. He has been invited as lecturer in France, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Colombia, England, Uruguay and Argentina. He has authored some 40 scientific articles in books and journals. He has participated in diverse International Congresses: 9 of his presentations have been published in the Proceedings.

Pedro Trigo, S. J. is a Venezuelan Jesuit theologian born in Spain. He studied Philosophy and Literature at the Catholic Universities of Caracas and Quito. He received a Doctorate in Theology at Universidad de Comillas (Madrid, Spain). From 1964 to 1966 he was working closely with Mons. Leónidas Proaño in Ecuador and he became committed to the church and pastoral work he was then involved with. In 1973 he studied with Gustavo Gutiérrez in Lima, Perou . He has been a teacher of Latin American Literature at high school and college levels. He practiced literary criticism for 15 years at Reseña (a Madrid publication) and at SIC (a Caracas publication). Since 1973 he is a member of Centro Gumilla (a Jesuit center of research and social action in Venezuela). He has been professor of Latin American Thought at the Philosophy Department of Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). He presently is a Theology professor at ITER, an institution associated to the Pontificial Salesian University of Rome and to the Theology Department at UCAB in Caracas. He lives in a popular parish in Caracas and is involved in the life of Christian popular communities. He has published 11 books dealing with theology, spirituality, anthropology and literature. In 2004 he published the book “La cultura del barrio” (City ward culture).

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Keywords: third iccp, community psychology, gjcpp