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2012 Conference Proceedings

Navigate This! Youth Contest: A case study of social advertising and social media marketing in action

Navigate This! Youth Contest: A case study of social advertising and social media marketing in action by  Kevin Black, University of Toronto

Navigate This! Youth Contest: A case study of social advertising and social media marketing in action

Kevin Black
Health & Behavioural Sciences
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto

Near the conclusion of a youth-focused public health initiative called Navigate This!, the lead organization, Youth Voices Research Group, sought to promote the project and its concept of “health navigation” to youth and those who work with them in the Canadian province of Ontario.  Cognizant of that objective, the author designed an integrated social media and social advertising plan, the centre of which was the "Youth4Health Navigate This Youth Contest."  The contest consisted of different sets of activities (e.g., physical or artistic) that offered Ontario youth age 16-25 a wide variety of opportunities to: (i) experience health navigation in a fun and engaging way; and (ii) to experience the insight that they already have some health navigation skills, and that by exploring some activities and videos on the Navigate This! webpage, they could further develop their existent health navigation skills.  In addition to providing a sample of contest activities and the youth submissions that won in each category, the poster and text below describe the social advertising and social media plan, the design-thinking that informed it, and the social-media outcomes from this initiative.


Kevin Black, University of Toronto

Kevin Black
Health & Behavioural Sciences
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto


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Keywords: youth development, social marketing, community psychology, gjcpp