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2012 Conference Proceedings

Designing a people-focused approach to behaviour change: Using community based social marketing to support a nascent Transition Town initiative

Designing a people-focused approach to behaviour change:  Using community based social marketing to support a nascent Transition Town initiative by  Kevin Black, Alison Crepinsek & Lisa Crellin

Designing a people-focused approach to behaviour change:
Using community based social marketing to support a nascent Transition Town initiative

Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM), as envisioned by its founder, Canadian environmental psychologist Doug McKenzie-Mohr, is the application of six social psychological findingss to enhance social marketing efforts and thereby increase their likelihood of success.  The six tools of CBSM are commitment, prompts, norms, communication, incentives and conveniences.  To support a grassroots environmental/public health group seeking to promote community resilience in a Toronto, Canada neighbourhood (Transition Town Roncesvalles) via a community-based food initiative, the authors developed a CBSM Plan. The poster below describes each tool in the CBSM toolbox and how we applied a community- (as opposed to individual)-focused style of social marketing to the challenges faced by for that grassroots group.


Kevin Black, Alison Crepinsek & Lisa Crellin

Kevin Black
PhD student, Health & Behavioural Sciences, University of Toronto

Alison Crepinsek & Lisa Crellin
Graduate, MPH in Health Promotion, University of Toronto

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Keywords: social marketing, youth development, community psychology, gjcpp