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2012 Conference Proceedings

The Accepting Schools Act: The potential of an Ontario Anti-bullying Legislation from the Perspective of LGBT Youth

The Accepting Schools Act: The potential of an Ontario Anti-bullying Legislation from the Perspective of LGBT Youth by  Renato M. Liboro, Wilfrid Laurier University

The Accepting Schools Act: The potential of an Ontario Anti-bullying Legislation from the Perspective of LGBT Youth

Renato M. Liboro, Wilfrid Laurier University

Research studies and national surveys confirm what the average person who has access to media and the internet today already knows – that the number of LGBT youth suicides related to bullying in schools has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. Last December 2011, Premier Dalton McGuinty presented a proposal for an Ontario Anti-bullying Legislation, the Accepting Schools Act, which will require all schools open to the public to enforce at least four elements into their programs: a) increased penalties for bullies, particularly repeat offenders (i.e. expulsion), b) support programs for victims (i.e. Gay-Straight Alliances), c) rehabilitation programs for perpetrators (i.e. community counselling), and d) support activities promoting tolerance (i.e. curriculum amendments incorporating LGBT topics). Public response to the proposal was mixed. Supporters of sexual minority students rallied behind the proposal, while religious groups responded acrimoniously by raising several issues (i.e. disregard for religious beliefs). This research project intends to investigate the value and merits of the Premier’s proposal by exploring the perspectives and insights of those who will be affected by its legislation the most. By giving voice to the lived experiences and epistemic privilege of the bullied LGBT youth, this study intends to uncover the risks and potential benefits of the Accepting Schools Act as a social policy that could effect transformative change.


Renato M. Liboro, Wilfrid Laurier University

Renato M. Liboro is currently a Doctoral student of the Wilfrid Laurier University Community Psychology Graduate Program under the supervision of Dr. Robb Travers. His Comprehensive Research Project/Doctoral Dissertation Focus and other research interests include advocacy for different LGBT populations and issues, healthcare and social policy, and religion and spirituality. Email address is

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Keywords: lgbt issues, community psychology, gjcpp