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Special Issue on Transformative Change in Community Mental Health

Special Issue on Transformative Change in Community Mental Health

We hope you enjoy this Special Issue. The Guest Editors, along with the authors, provided excellent content related to the theme of Transformative Change in Community Mental Health.

There are 12 peer reviewed submissions covering a wide array of programs, community and client experiences.

In addition, please note the video submitted by Guillaume Pegon and Elodie Finel. The video is nearly an hour long, but it is well worth your time. It provides an overview of an initiative in Rwanda to facilitate reconciliation and healing following the genocide experienced in that country.

Please consider a submission to the GJCPP of a manuscript for peer review, an interview or video, a tool or book review. Contact us if you have an idea you would like to discuss, or would like to propose a special issue!



Vincent T Francisco, PhD

Vincent T Francisco, PhD, is lead Editor of the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, and Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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Keywords: editorial, gjcpp, community psychology practice