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Editor's Note

An Introduction to This Special Issue and Guest Editorial

An Introduction to This Special Issue and Guest Editorial by  Scott Wituk, PhD


A key set of community psychology practice competencies directly or indirectly relate to policy. If community psychology sets our goals to create systemic community change then policy change is a critical and often under-reported component of our work. In this special issue we are fortunate to read about diverse efforts from across the globe related to policy. I want to thank the special issue editors (Douglas D. Perkins, Manuel García-Ramírez, Isabel Menezes, Irma Serrano-García, and Melissa Strompolis (USA, Spain, Portugal, Puerto Rico), contributors, and reviewers for assembling a thoughtful international collection of articles highlighting the experiences and insights from community psychologists focusing on policy. This is an especially rich collection of writings. There is much to learn from these articles and also suggest additional attention to this topic. 

In addition, in a previous GJCPP issue I mentioned that I was interested in GJCPP helping make connections on issues, ideas, and topics. I’m happy to say we have a provocative launch to our opinion pieces in attempt to create conversation and connections with our readers. Tom Wolff has provided a Guest Editorial entitled: Ten Places Where Collective Impact Gets It Wrong. While the views in it do not necessarily represent the views of GJCPP, I do hope it will  spur an active conversation on the topic. We’ve provided several mechanisms where comments, counterpoints, examples/experiences, etc can be shared related to Collective Impact via GJCPP.  You can comment directly under the article, email, or comment on this post on our Facebook page.

I’d encourage you and your colleagues to join the conversation. 

We will learn from this attempt to create conversation and connection so that future issues of GJCPP can do even more.


Take care,
Scott Wituk

Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
Executive Director
Community Engagement Institute
Wichita State University


Scott Wituk, PhD Scott Wituk, PhD

As the executive director of the Community Engagement Institute, Scott oversees all activities and services, budget, and operations. Scott has been with CEI and its predecessor CCSR for nearly 20 years. He is committed to creating thriving and supportive communities and organizations and has background in community leadership, organizational capacity building, and applied research and evaluation methods. He works with a variety of nonprofit organizations, community coalitions, government entities, mental health consumer organizations, and self-help support groups.

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