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Editor's Note

The Social Common Denominator

The Social Common Denominator

We have done a number of "special issues" this year, and will do more, but this issue is special for its diverse articles that intersect through the influence of social context in practice. From social media to social justice, the scholarship and experiences shared by our authors for this issue demonstrate that environments with different social dynamics affect practice, practitioners, and communities.


We are also pleased to bring you a featured editorial by Dr. Linda Silka, who argues that community psychologists can and must lend their expertise to other disciplines. It is a dynamic discussion that we hope you will join by offering your reflections and reactions.


This issue begins with Tabitha Underwood and Roger Mitchell as they examine the overlooked community members in apartment complexes. Through their study, they offer a number of implications for community building in these kinds of communities.


From the European continent, Giulia Guariso and colleagues examine how photovoice can act as both community based participatory research and as intervention for those in societally vulnerable neighborhoods.


Justin Greenleaf explores how social media use in nonprofit organizations can and perhaps should differ from the use of other organization types. The words and experiences of nonprofit employees charged with managing social media for their organizations depict the nuance and challenges that underscore their strategies.


Exemplifying how local social context affects a global problem, Kristen Gleason and colleagues discuss the ways in which Hawai'i differs from other localities when it comes to human trafficking. The importance of ecology highlights how a global problem must still be examined locally.


Finally, the social justice (or injustice) implications of increasing the bikability of cities is reviewed by Claire Cahen. Installing bike lanes is only the beginning of a much bigger conversation of equality and equity.


In addition to the peer reviewed articles, the two SCRA Practice Mini-Grant Spotlights highlight the work being done to help improve communities and help those in need. We also proudly re-publish the THEory into ACTion bulletin; in this edition, Jennifer Renick recounts the successes and challenges facing alternative schools.


As always, we are excited to hear from you and hope you will use this space not just to learn but also to share and discuss the issues you read about. We also look forward to your submissions, so if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact me.


Thanks for reading and take care,

Scott Wituk
Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
Executive Director
Center for Community Support & Research
Wichita State University



As the executive director of the Community Engagement Institute, Scott oversees all activities and services, budget, and operations. Scott has been with CEI for nearly 20 years. He is committed to creating thriving and supportive communities and organizations and has background in community leadership, organizational capacity building, and applied research and evaluation methods. He works with a variety of nonprofit organizations, community coalitions, government entities, mental health consumer organizations, and self-help support groups.

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