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Special Focus Issue

Editor's Note


The career trajectories of community psychologists are widely varied, but many start with the spark ignited in undergraduate education. The encouragement of a teacher to pursue a path in community psychology or the experiences students have as undergraduates can be the difference between a growing field and one that stagnates. Yet, as our guest editors discuss in their empassioned introduction to the next two special issues, support for these invaluable teachers is not where it needs to be. The Global Journal is proud to have the ability to give space to the voices of primarily undergraduate institutions teaching community psychology and grateful to the guest editors for their time, dedication, and passion in compiling these next two issues. 


It may seem odd for a journal devoted to community practice to dedicate a special issue to pedagogy, but community practice is just as indebted to undergraduate CP education as academic institutions that house graduate programs in the field. It is the responsibility of all community psychologists to support the field through supporting those who serve undergrads, including those practitioners who serve as adjunct faculty or lecturers for undergraduate classes.


This issue is the first of two, highlighting the challenges and successes of undergraduate education in community psychology. We are excited by this work and hope that it inspires our readers to have conversations with their colleagues about how to encourage systemic and institutional support for these programs.



Scott Wituk

Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
Executive Director
Community Engagement Institute
Wichita State University

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