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Special Focus Issue

Editor's Note

New Ways, New Influences

New Ways, New Influences by  Nicole Freund, PhD

It is with wildly mixed emotions that I write this final editor's note. My time as editor of the Global Journal has been so unutterably rewarding and life-changing, that moving on is a kind of mourning. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this journal and its work, and I'm not leaving entirely. Our new editor (Olya Glantsman (she/her) of DePaul Univeristy) will provide a fresh eye and perpsective that I feel confident readers will feel in the best ways. I'm incredibly excited to see the future under her leadership, and will be in the background to continue supporting the work. 


Having said that in way of farewell, I am also ridiculously proud of this special issue, the last of which I've shepherded to publication. It is full to brimming with vitality, ways of knowing that are relatively unseen in traditional academic cannons, and content that is exceptional in its deconstruction of colonial systems, thinking, and white supremacy. It has truly been one of my great joys to work with the guest editors on this issue, and I hope that you will find is as valuable a way to reflect on why/how we interpret the world and our places in it as I have. Please share this content freely and frequently.


Finally, thank you all for your support and readership. The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice would not be the publication it is today without the generosity of its readers and subscribers. Until we meet again, be well. 


Nicole M. Freund


Nicole Freund, PhD Nicole Freund, PhD

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