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Welcome to Volume 2 Issue 1!

In this issue, you will find several articles that feature aspects of community practice from across the USA, including:

  • an article on the importance of Community Narration from Chicago,
  • an interesting article from Hawai'i about the framing of local culture in a global context, and
  • an article from Ohio describing perceptions of skills needed to engage in community problem solving.

Have an idea for a special or themed issue? Interested in being a Guest Editor and make a mark on Community Psychology Practice? Special issues and themed issues are possible, and we are glad to help you make it happen. We also look forward to the nomination of special issues by persons interested in theme issues, topic areas of emerging or special interest, and important topics relevant to community psychology practice.

Thank you for interest in the GJCPP and what we are doing. We hope you are inspired to send a manuscript or a video of your work. We also welcome your ideas on how the GJCPP can be more useful. Don’t forget to sign up for an ongoing subscription (

Yours in community practice,
The GJCPP Management Team and Editorial Board

GJCPP Management Team

* Vincent Francisco, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Editor)
* Tom Wolff, Tom Wolff and Associates (Senior Associate Editor)
* Victoria Chien, University of South Carolina (Managing Editor)
* Dyana Valentine, (Associate Editor)
* Liesette Brunson, Université du Québec à Montréal (Associate Editor)
* David Julian, Ohio State University (Associate Editor)
* Maria Vargas Moniz, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (Associate Editor)

Editorial Advisory Board

* Wolfgang Stark, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
* José H. Ornelas, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (Lisboa Portugal)
* Neville Robertson, Waikato University (New Zealand)
* Brian Bishop, Curtin University (Australia)
* Toshi Sasao, International Christian University in Tokyo
* Donata Francescato; University of Rome
* Cheryl Ramos, University of Hawai’i at Hilo
* Bill Neigher, Atlantic Health
* Greg Meissen, Wichita State University
* Thomas Saïas, L'Association Française de Psychologie Communautaire
* Eduardo Almeida, La Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

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Keywords: gjcpp, editorial Volume 2 Issue 1