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Can the Family Environment Impact the Effectiveness of After-School Programs?

Can the Family Environment Impact the Effectiveness of After-School Programs? by  DiMeo, M., Faust, L., & Kuperminc, G. Georgia State University, Department of Psychology

Can the Family Environment Impact the Effectiveness of After-School Programs?

DiMeo, M., Faust, L., & Kuperminc, G.
Georgia State University, Department of Psychology

Little is known about how youth involvement in ASPs can mediate the association between the family environment and youth developmental outcomes. Youth who have positive feelings and interactions with their families are more likely to remain in ASPs (Persson et al, 2007). Family connectedness may support youth receptivity to messages delivered through ASPs. Participation in ASPs can cultivate self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 2004) through exposure to caring adults who foster a sense of competence, autonomy, and relatedness to others. Youth goal setting is an important youth development outcome which can promote healthy stress management , self efficacy, and self-determination (Snyder et al, 1987; Carruthers, 2006; Hui, Tsang, 2006).


DiMeo, M., Faust, L., & Kuperminc, G. Georgia State University, Department of Psychology DiMeo, M., Faust, L., & Kuperminc, G. Georgia State University, Department of Psychology

DiMeo, M., Faust, L., & Kuperminc, G.
Georgia State University, Department of Psychology

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Keywords: after school programs, community psychology, gjcpp