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Poster Session

Formal and informal group influences on women and young children living in poverty.

Formal and informal group influences on women and young children living in poverty. by  Elizabeth Lake, Sherry Walling, Jay Pope, Kara Linkowski, & Maria Romero, Fresno Pacific University

Formal and informal group influences on women and young children living in poverty.

Elizabeth Lake, Sherry Walling, Jay Pope, Kara Linkowski, & Maria Romero
Fresno Pacific University

Urban poverty can be an especially powerful risk factor in the lives of women and children. This research project focused on an area of high poverty in Fresno, California and examined the experiences women had raising young children. Some of the most salient themes that emerged from the research centered on the influence of both formal and informal groups located within the neighborhood. This poster tries to identify community level factors that other women, community groups, neighborhoods, and researchers would find useful.


Elizabeth Lake, Sherry Walling, Jay Pope, Kara Linkowski, & Maria Romero, Fresno Pacific University Elizabeth Lake, Sherry Walling, Jay Pope, Kara Linkowski, & Maria Romero, Fresno Pacific University

Elizabeth Lake, Sherry Walling, Jay Pope, Kara Linkowski, & Maria Romero
Fresno Pacific University

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