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Toward a Model of Student Empowerment and Empowering Academic Settings

Toward a Model of Student Empowerment and Empowering Academic Settings by  Chris M. Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Kyrah Brown, Brittany Karibo, Kari Nilsen, & Angela Scott Wichita State University

Toward a Model of Student Empowerment and Empowering Academic Settings

Chris M. Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Kyrah Brown, Brittany Karibo, Kari Nilsen, & Angela Scott
Wichita State University

Schools settings can be powerful places which help prepare students for a lifetime of thriving, yet many school reform efforts have ignored how schools can be empowering settings. The current qualitative study explored ways in which schools may promote student empowerment. Results revealed key characteristics at the classroom level and school-wide. These include teachers that promote equitable relationships, sense of community, and shared decision-making in the classroom, positive and inclusive school traditions, and valued student leadership. Future directions for the project include the development of a scale to compare classrooms and schools on empowering characteristics.


Chris M. Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Kyrah Brown, Brittany Karibo, Kari Nilsen, & Angela Scott Wichita State University Chris M. Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Kyrah Brown, Brittany Karibo, Kari Nilsen, & Angela Scott Wichita State University

Chris M. Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Kyrah Brown, Brittany Karibo, Kari Nilsen, & Angela Scott
Wichita State University

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Keywords: student empowerment, community psychology, gjcpp