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Part 4

Disclosure of sexual abuse in school environment: Intervention with teachers

Disclosure of sexual abuse in school environment: Intervention with teachers

Angela Torma Pietro & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes
Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/FURG, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil.


Teachers and professionals of education should be prepared to identify and evaluate the signs of intra or extra familial violence. The school environment might be a context where abused children and adolescents feel free to “break” the silence and ask for help. This work aimed to investigate the effects of these situations in a public school located in Rio Grande/RS, Brazil. Seven first school years teachers participated in this research and intervention project. The proposal was elaborated under the theoretical basis of the bioecology of human development. The methodology followed two steps: the first consisted of the diagnostic of the school dynamics. The second moment consisted in the application of the Intervention Program which was organized by the presentations of themes based on the analyses of the diagnostic phase. The program focused on orientating the educators to build strategies to have an attitude of denouncing sexual abuse legitimating the protective role of the teachers and of the school. The program was presented in seven meetings containing different subjects, theories and concepts followed by the discussion on practical cases. The results showed that families stay usually far over the gates of school. Most teachers showed a discourse marked by negative characteristics of the families and have little knowledge of the children’s everyday life. Concerning the situation of sexual abuse, the educators recognized their difficulties and limited knowledge on the issue. They emphasized the need of having more community network support and reported actions that put the abused children and their families in risk or away from school. The intervention program aimed to fill in the special needs of these populations through offering strategies to deal with sexual abuse in the context of schools. The teachers showed high satisfaction with their participation and suggested the repetition of the program in other schools.

Key words: sexual abuse, child/ adolescent, denunciation, teachers



Angela Torma Pietro & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

Angela Torma Pietro & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes
Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/FURG, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil.


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Keywords: sexual abuse, child/ adolescent, denunciation, teachers, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP