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Part 6

Leisure, information needs and social participation of outskirts young people in Murcia (Spain)

Leisure, information needs and social participation of outskirts young people in Murcia (Spain)

VERA, Juan J.; LOPEZ-PINA, Jose. A.
(Faculty of Psychology, Univ. Murcia)
NAVARRO, Gabriel
(Youth Depart., Murcia City Council)

A representative stratified sample (age mean=22.7 years; sex: 50.8% males, 49.2% females) of 626 young people was randomly selected in a group of suburbs and minor rural localities (pedanías) of Murcia Borough (Spain). The outskirts young were interviewed and responded a wide questionnaire including among others a set of items already verified in conventional youth surveys. Means comparisons, factorial analysis and logistic regression (SPSS v. 14) summarize compile data. The aims of study were to explore practices and opinions about weekly and weekend leisure, information needs and problems and opportunities for social participation, in order to improve the action of a Youth Information Centre (InformaJoven).

Various and numerous are national studies on youth in Spain. A diversity of facets of the young people behaviour and opinion were described in specific literature, but a small number are about non-urban settings and much less information has been compiled on young people in suburbs and rural populations.
Factor analysis reveals three components in leisure preferences and practices of outskirts young people. Moreover interesting results appear in relation to perception of information need and opportunities that influence their difficulties for social participation. Similarities and differences regarding other national samples of urban young people are considered.

Keywords: social survey, participation, mobilisation, leisure, outskirts youth


Juan J. VERA, Jose. A. LOPEZ-PINA, Gabriel NAVARRO

VERA, Juan J.; LOPEZ-PINA, Jose. A.
(Faculty of Psychology, Univ. Murcia)

NAVARRO, Gabriel
(Youth Depart., Murcia City Council)

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Keywords: social survey, participation, mobilisation, leisure, outskirts youth, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP