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Social Contexts of SCRA Symposium 1997

This is a video from the Society for Community Research and Action Biennial Conference in 1997. It includes the reflections of a number of leaders of the field of community psychology. It is part of a series created by Dr James Kelly on the History of Community Psychology.

The 1997 APA panel focused on the history of SCRA, and was chaired by Irwin Sandler. Charles Spielberger, first AJCP editor, and Ira Iscoe were among the panelists, as well as newer members of the field (Meg Bond, Mo Elias, Rod Watts) and an intellectual historian on the development of new disciplines and the challenges for the development of Community Psychology.


James Kelly

Jim Kelly is Professor Emeritus from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and currently enjoying retirement in Davis California USA.

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palabras clave: gjcpp, community psychology, jim kelly videos