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Winner 2014 SCRA Video Contest: "Proyecto HEROES (Honor, Educación, Respeto, Oportunidad, Esperanza, y Soluciones) Youth Photovoice"

SCRA created the annual video contest to explore the great work of community psychologists internationally in a relatively non-traditional format. Directors develop a video of their community psychology skills in action, creating videos of education, research, and practice efforts that highlight the competencies of the field. While this is the fourth year of the contest, in 2014, the Executive Committee approved the video contest as one of the official annual awards of SCRA. Each year, videos are submitted year-round with a final deadline of December 1st. Videos submitted to the contest are then considered for awards by the entire SCRA voting membership at the end of the year, and winners receive both recognition and cash awards.

Participants: Photographs and narratives by the Latino adolescent youth

This video features photographs and narratives of 22 Latino/a adolescents who participated in a photovoice project aimed at increasing their empowerment, and providing them with a voice and means for impacting positive change in their community.  The project is part of a larger community-based participatory research program, an approach emphasizing equity, collaboration, building on each other’s unique strengths, combining knowledge with action, and achieving social change to improve health outcomes and eliminate disparities.  The result was powerful, giving a space for the youth to describe significant experiences of violence and trauma, and highlighting the central importance of these issues for the community to address.  Exposure to traumatic and adverse events often leads to stigma, isolation, fear, mistrust, and ultimately, disenfranchisement.  The video suggests how powerful a tool this photovoice project was for addressing a critical social issue, by engaging youth towards social action, and also impacting the youth at profound and personal levels.

http://heroessb.wordpress.com/ is the larger Proyecto HEROES collaborative website which includes information about partners involved in this community-based participatory research (CBPR) project.

http://www.kiakeating.com is Dr. Kia-Keating’s website which features some of the other photography by the youth participants


Maryam Kia-Keating

Maryam Kia-Keating

Maryam Kia-Keating, PhD is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  Her research focuses on coping and resilience in the context of experiences of trauma, stress, and adversity, among diverse populations, including refugees and immigrants. She uses community-based participatory research methods to investigate cultural, developmental, protective, and promotive factors in order to inform prevention and intervention efforts.

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palabras clave: Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Photovoice, Youth Social Action, Participatory Photography, Latino/a Community Engagement and Empowerment, School-Community-Academic Partnership