Síguenos en Facebook 10th Anniversary!
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We are pleased to provide another wonderful issue of the Global Journal. In this issue, you will find several outstanding items of interest. In this issue, the Tools of the Trade focuses on a manual provided by Jessica Collura and Shepherd Zeldin on planning for the involvement of youth and adults in community partnerships. There is a very interesting video about a housing program for persons experiencing ongoing mental health issues in Lisbon, provided by our colleagues in ISPA and the Housing First program team. We have a very interesting set of peer-reviewed articles including:

  • an article from Italy on the empowering effects of social capitol in communities experiencing crisis;
  • an article from the US describing a bicultural bilingual substance abuse recovery home that is self-run by Latinos;
  • an article discussing issues associated with graduate students and community participatory research;
  • a discussion of communty leadership and social change.

We also have a book review provided by Judah Viola covering a book about psychology and social change. Finally, we have a guest editorial from Jim Cook on building strategic alliances as community psychologists.

We hope that you will enjoy this issue of the Global Journal as much as we enjoy providing it to you.


Vincent T Francisco,
  and the entire GJCPP Management Team




Vincent T Francisco

Dr Francisco is an Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and is Editor of the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice.

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palabras clave: editorial, community psychology practice, gjcpp