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Editor's Note

Change and Empowerment by  Nicole M. Freund

The world continues to change at a rapid clip with more news pouring in every day, and community psychology practitioners are still doing the work every day to try to make it tolerable for those managing that change. This issue’s themes are around community psychology values and participatory engagement. There are a wide variety of domains, but the values of empowerment and equity run through the lot, including a study that indicates bias continues to infiltrate social constructs in insidious ways.


Change is also something we’re working on at the Global Journal. We hope that over the next several months we’re able to show readers more content more often in ways that help inspire action. This is a process that does not happen overnight, but we’re excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the feedback of readers as they engage with these changes.


Finally, as we move fully into the second half of a tumultuous year, we at the Global Journal would like to encourage hope and faith in the work our readers and contributors are doing to make this world better. Our deepest sympathies to colleagues in Lebanon dealing with the aftermath of the explosion in Beirut, to the victims of this year’s hurricane and cyclone season especially in Bangladesh, and to all who are disproportionately affected by the pandemic because of systemic racism and/or financial disparity. Organizations around the world are working across systems and policies to help those in need; if you are in a position to help, please do so.


Thanks, as always, for reading, and feel free to reach out with ideas, comments, questions, or concerns.


Be Well,


Editor's Note


Nicole M. Freund Nicole M. Freund

Nicole Freund, MA, MBA, PhD
Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
Research Scientist, Center for Applied Research and Evaluation
Community Engagement Institute
Wichita State University

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