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“Doing Policy Work as a Community Psychologist” Working with Legislators by  Christopher Corbett

“Doing Policy Work as a Community Psychologist”
Session 4:  Working with Legislators

Christopher Corbett

The purpose of this session is to expose participants to various roles they could play that involve direct engagement with elected officials, and the related issues that arise. 

At workshop’s close, participants will have knowledge and resources to: first, understand legal and ethical obligations; second, reach out and engage legislators directly, or indirectly by empowering members of a group (i.e. students); third, develop a cooperative relationship to enable ongoing influence; fourth, identify their legislative objective and fifth, potentially influence legislators on a bi-partisan basis and elicit from each documentation of their position or support.

The workshop will identify various settings that enable personal engagement and potential influence including individual, small group, large group, formal and informal settings.  Participants will receive handouts on legal and ethical issues and a sample Legislative Reference Guide.  Ten minutes is reserved for either a brief pre and post-test or a role play.

View or download the narrated PowerPoint Slide Show here.



Christopher Corbett Christopher Corbett

Christopher J. Corbett is a master’s level community psychologist and member of SCRA (Society for Community Research and Action), ARNOVA and ISTR since 1994.

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palabras clave: policy advocacy, community psychology practice, scra biennial conference, gjcpp