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Part 3

Acculturation across life domains and perceived social support: a research in a suburban community of the city of Genova (Italy)

Mara Manetti, Laura Migliorini, Laura Frattini
Università di Genova, Department of Anthropological Sciences, ITALY
E-mail: manetti@disa.unige.it

The concept of acculturation is related to interethnic contacts and describes the psychological and cultural changes that occur as a result of continual relations among peoples belonging to different cultural or ethnic groups (Gibson, 2001). The acculturation process can be facilitated or inhibited by cultural aspects, individual skills, forms of support and sense of value (self esteem) that the person experiences and develops in contact with the host culture.

Over past three decades, social support has been one of the major topics for community psychological investigation and viewed as “one of the basic building blocks of social, psychological and biological integrity” (Pierce et al.,1996). Migration process gives several implications with reference to the support to reception; the support structure, given to adolescents, is considered as an efficient protecting factor in front of many problematic aspects of the life of subjects belonging to ethnic minorities (Zimmermann et al., 2000).

Key words: immigrant adolescents, acculturation, social support, self-esteem, well being.

Part 3


Mara Manetti, Laura Migliorini, Laura Frattini

Mara Manetti, Laura Migliorini, Laura Frattini
Università di Genova, Department of Anthropological Sciences, ITALY
E-mail: manetti@disa.unige.it


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palabras clave: immigrant adolescents, acculturation, social support, self-esteem, well being, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP