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Part 3

O Impacto de um programa de Prevenção dos Abusos Sexuais de Crianças em: Crianças, Pais e Professores

Susana Maria, MD. - ISPA/APPEPASC, smaria@ispa.pt
José Ornelas, Ph.D. – ISPA, jornelas@ispa.pt

The impact of a Children Sexual Abuse Prevention program: Children, Parents and Teachers
Our aim is to present a research in which the purpose is the analysis of the impact of a Children Abuse Prevention program developed in school, contexts involving: children, their relatives and professionals within the school community (teachers). The goal is to evaluate the impact that the development of this prevention program might have in the participants to whom it is directed in terms of their knowledge, attitudes, and competence towards prevention and intervention in child sexual abuse.

After the implementation of the child abuse prevention program in the school context, directed to teachers (and other school professional), parents (and other relatives) and children (from the first to the fourth grade) we introduce the impact evaluations.
The instruments (questionnaires and interviews) have been created to allow the analysis of the reported indicators: knowledge, attitudes and competences towards prevention and intervention in child sexual abuse. Others studies, with similar goals, and instruments are the basis to the organization or/and adaptation of these tools. The instruments allow the gathering of data about: 1) Demographic information, 2) Involvement in children sexual abuse prevention, 3) Knowledge of child abuse characteristics, 4) Attitudes towards the prevention notions taught in prevention programs, 5) Beliefs regarding risks and advantages of children sexual abuse prevention programs and who should participate in these programs.
The expect outcomes are that the participants in the prevention program demonstrate higher levels in knowledge, attitudes and competences towards prevention and intervention in children sexual abuse. This might allow us to reach the secondary objective: the valorisation of child abuse prevention programs development and their dissemination in different contexts.

Key words: Child Sexual Abuse, Prevention, Community

Part 3


Susana Maria, José Ornelas

Susana Maria, MD. - ISPA/APPEPASC, smaria@ispa.pt
José Ornelas, Ph.D. – ISPA, jornelas@ispa.pt


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palabras clave: Child Sexual Abuse, Prevention, Community, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP