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Part 4

Community and place identity in change: a discursive approach to local participation

Norma De Piccoli, Rollero Chiara, Greganti Katiuscia
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino

This study refers to participation and to relationships between individuals and environment. We investigated the perception of the quality of the life in the neighbourhood, the perception and evaluation of social ties and of participation by means of a semi-structured interviews on a sample of 29 active citizens. We ran a content analysis on the interviews and then a co-occurences analysis to emphasize the relationships among the different topics investigated. Qualitative data shows both negative and positive features of the quality of life in the neighbourhood and they underline also some critical aspects involved in the process of participation. Further considerations are discussed.

Key words: bottom-up participation, place identity, content analysis

Part 4


Norma De Piccoli, Rollero Chiara, Greganti Katiuscia

Norma De Piccoli, Rollero Chiara, Greganti Katiuscia
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino

Author Contacts: De Piccoli Norma, via Verdi 10, 10123 Torino, Italy. Tel. ++39 (0)11 670 2024; e-mail: depiccol@psych.unito.it


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palabras clave: bottom-up participation, place identity, content analysis, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP