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Part 4

Competencias Profesionales en Estudiantes de Psicología

Susana Ruiz Pimentel (surupi04@yahoo.com.mx)
Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo (saruca_06@yahoo.com.mx)
María José García Oramas (maria_josegarcia@hotmail.com)
Facultad. Psicología Xalapa Universidad Veracruzana

The accelerated changing nature of our times has without doubt had a great impact on areas of knowledge. Education in Psychology at undergraduate level is growing rapidly in Mexico, in terms of the emergence of numerous university faculties and graduates, who confront the evermore complex demands of a given context when they enter the workplace, and hence competencies such as team work, planning, organization, innovation, flexibility, decision making, among others require greater attention during their professional education.

The improvement of such competencies posed a challenge for the authors of the present research document. We proposed that through the development of activities that imply carrying out a macro research project, we could, in a systematic and planned manner, develop professional competencies in a group of undergraduate psychology students who were writing theses or providing social service.

For the purposes of our research, competencies are considered to be a set of knowledge, attitudes and skills deemed necessary for professional practice, flexible and autonomous professional problem solving, organizational work tasks, and the ability to collaborate in a professional work environment, i.e., the aptitudes required in order to carry out professional activity in an efficient manner.
From a professional point of view, competency is closely linked to the ways in which a person acts, the professional duties a person must carry out, and their characteristics are determined by the way in which a person organizes and utilizes their acquired knowledge, how they integrate them into their practice and interrelate them within a given context, depending on the individual and social peculiarities. 
The methodology involved a descriptive study that aimed to expose a group of types of behaviour in students and with this make a diagnosis, through research, action and training throughout the process, where quantitative and qualitative procedures were implemented during the diagnosis phase of the research. The improvement of competencies, such as team work, planning and organizational skills, etc. was achieved in participating students.

Key words: Competency, education, psychology students.

Part 4


Susana Ruiz Pimentel, Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo, María José García Oramas

Susana Ruiz Pimentel (surupi04@yahoo.com.mx)
Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo (saruca_06@yahoo.com.mx)
María José García Oramas (maria_josegarcia@hotmail.com)
Facultad. Psicología Xalapa Universidad Veracruzana

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palabras clave: Competency, education, psychology students, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP