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Part 5

Marginalisation and Rurality

Dr Caroline Rouncefield
University of Cumbria, UK caroline.rouncefield@cumbria.ac.uk

This paper adopts a ‘community psychology’ approach to the study of domestic violence in an isolated rural community. It suggests that such a perspective – of ‘the individual in context’ - provides important insights both into the character and exegesis of the problem and into possibilities for social change. At the same time the research provides an opportunity for reflection on the character and prospects for Community Psychology itself, particularly with regard to its impact on policy and practice for work in marginalised communities.

Key words: Community; rurality; marginalisation; domestic violence

Part 5


Caroline Rouncefield

Dr Caroline Rouncefield
University of Cumbria, UK caroline.rouncefield@cumbria.ac.uk

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palabras clave: Community; rurality; marginalisation; domestic violence, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP