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Part 6

Desenvolvimento local e processos de educação formal e não formal – relações realçadas pela avaliação de projectos

Manuela Terrasêca Alexandra Sá Costa João Caramelo

With this paper we intend to reflect on the articulation between educational intervention and local development processes. This reflection is based in three evaluations of intervention projects developed by the authors. Therefore we’ll: i) discuss the articulation between formal and non-formal educational strategies and local development; ii) characterise sociocultural methodologies of community intervention; iii) appreciate how educational intervention can contribute to emphasize local development strategies.

The presentation and discussion of these dimensions will allow to argue about the importance of an educational intervention that articulating formal and non-formal educative strategies may promote local and community development dynamics.

Key Words: Local development, project evaluation, formal and non formal education

Part 6


Manuela Terrasêca Alexandra Sá Costa João Caramelo

Manuela Terrasêca Alexandra Sá Costa João Caramelo

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palabras clave: Local development, project evaluation, formal and non formal education, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP