Síguenos en Facebook 10th Anniversary!
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Part 6

Construyamos juntos una comunidad educativa libre de violencia

Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo (saruca_06@yahoo.com.mx)
Susana Ruiz Pimentel (surupi04@yahoo.com.mx)
María José García Oramas (maria_josegarcia@hotmail.com)
Facultad Psicología Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana

Let’s build a violence free educational community together, is the slogan of an applied research project working with young men and women between the ages of 14 and 18 years, who are students in the Telebachillerato system in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, due to conclude at the end of 2009.
The project is formulated in four stages: 1) Inquiry, 2) Group intervention, 3) Development of support material and 4) Formulation of Public Policies. This research demonstrates the results of the inquiries carried out on violence in communities.

Key words: Educational community, prevention, violence, youth

Part 6


Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo, Susana Ruiz Pimentel, María José García Oramas

Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo (saruca_06@yahoo.com.mx)
Susana Ruiz Pimentel (surupi04@yahoo.com.mx)
María José García Oramas (maria_josegarcia@hotmail.com)
Facultad Psicología Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana

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palabras clave: Educational community, prevention, violence, youth, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP