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Part 6

Strategies to promote resilience in families of low income exposed to social and environmental risks

Maria Angela Mattar Yunes
Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/FURG, Brasil mamyunes@yahoo.com.br

The investigations of processes and possibilities of resilience in families who live poverty is an issue related to the Positive Psychology movement. This discussion is important because it helps to question ideological concepts and build a new professional approach more oriented to healthy aspects of human development rather than the pathological ones. The framework of the key processes for family resilience considers that families can emerge stronger and more resourceful in meeting and coping successfully with challenges. The present work aims to propose strategies to promote the development of resilience in families at risk based on the improvement of the relational quality of the professional’s services who deal with families. Qualitative studies on the discourses of Brazilian social agents showed that their patterns of interactions with families at risk are focused on pessimistic “implicit theories” about the characteristics of these groups. They are seen as dysfunctional, neglectful parents, passive to their situation of poverty, violent and substance users. These elements emphasize their vulnerabilities and have demonstrated a negative impact on the relationships of families and professionals. It also suggests that professionals do very little but donate supplies to help the families in a concrete manner. This proposal of psycho educational intervention worked with both families and social agents separately. The methodologies were: ecological engagement, reflexive interviews and focal groups. The groups aimed to critically discuss and analyze belief systems, patterns of communication, organization and social practices. The professionals were teachers or educators from public schools or institutions, law and health community agents. The results of intervention showed better communication among the different services of social family support network and there was an improvement in the advocacy’s ability to recognize the real needs and risks lived by the families. All the participants reported more sense of connection in their jobs which offers opportunities of promoting resilience in families with different risk histories.

Keywords: Resilience in families; Families in risk situations; Intervention with social agents.

Part 6


Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

Maria Angela Mattar Yunes
Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/FURG, Brasil mamyunes@yahoo.com.br


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palabras clave: Resilience in families; Families in risk situations; Intervention with social agents, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP